Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Presidential Debate

Creating jobs:

Go back to bill Clinton tax cut plan from deficit to surplus

  • I agree on taxing the upper class rather than the middle class because the middle class is the majority of the United States today and the upper class won’t lose much but the burden won’t fall upon any class. Middle class will then have some money in their pockets and the upper class will still have their money.
  • Obama will be using the same tax cut that Bill Clinton used which created 23 million jobs and took the United States from deficit to surplus. The way that the tax cut will work is that it will put money in the pockets of the middle class so that they could buy things for their children or disposable reasons => which will then  give companies business => and enable them to hire more workers.

I really agree with that plan because not only does it help small business gain profits and adults find jobs, but it also help students in high school or in college that can't afford summer school during the summer to find a job because it's very hard to do so. So I will argue that it won't be a plus for the upper class but it will help out the middle class and all other people who are the majority.


  • Use Bush tax cut plan went from surplus to deficit
  • Some ways that Romney said he will create jobs will be through energy dependent, opening up jobs in Latin America and using Bush's tax cut plan.

Tax cuts for high income people are not in his worries. He is thinking about using Bush's tax plan which was the plan that put the United States back in the debt that Clinton had brought the United States out of. I will argue that the Clinton plan by far is better than Bush's plan because it created jobs and put the United States in a surplus. The Bush plan didn't show that much of an increase in jobs and it also put the United States into a debt that was more than what it was before. I also do not agree with him opening up jobs in Latin America, yeah it may benefit the United States in some way but right now the people that are needing jobs and who are important to this debate are the Americans in the United States. That's where he need to focus on opening up jobs.


Health Care:

I agree with Obama on the voucher system that Romney has, it will help the older people to a certain extent but the younger people will have to go out and find health care and pay for it themselves. I agree with Romney on it being the people's choice but the voucher system just won’t work for long. It will then collapse.

Obama Deficit plan:
  • Will be cutting the  government programs that wasn't helping people and cutting the discretionary budget.
Romney Deficit:
  • crack down on china
I Agree with Romney with his idea on borrowing money from china because some day we will have to pay and like Dr.Hammer said we will be their B***h  lol.

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